
31.10.2023 Очередное заседание семинара "Математическая экономика"

Очередное заседание семинара "Математическая экономика" (руководители - д.ф.-м.н. В.И.Данилов и академик В.М.Полтерович) состоится только в режиме онлайн:

во вторник, 31 октября 2023 г., в 11 часов 30 минут

Ссылка для входа в видео-конференцию (заработает за 10-15 минут до начала семинара):
Meeting ID: 876 8552 5576, Passcode: 179179

Программа заседания:

Н.П. Пильник (НИУ ВШЭ), С.А. Радионов (ФИАН), И.Ю. Типунин (МХК Еврохим)
Floor Prices for Spatially Distributed Markets

Аннотация к докладу

We consider a spatially distributed market of a homogeneous good with different types of constraints on the flows between producers and consumers. Motivated by applied market research, we are interested in what we call minimum and maximum floor prices, i.e. the minimum and maximum prices that support the distribution of a good under certain rationality conditions for producers. These prices can be interpreted as the ones ensuing the stable functioning of the market and are of great interest for the market analysts. In this paper, we establish several properties of minimum and maximum floor prices. We propose algorithms computing them and prove the finiteness of these algorithms under certain conditions.

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