"Macroeconomic Volatility, Institutions and Financial Architectures: The Developing World Experience": Contents


List of Figures vii

List of Tables x

Acknowledgements xii

Notes on Contributors xiii

List of Abbreviations xviii

 1 Macro Volatility and Financial Institutions 1
   José María Fanelli

 2 A Countercyclical Framework for a Development-Friendly IFA 25
   José Antonio Ocampo and Stephany Griffith-Jones

 3 Regional and Multilateral Efforts: Institution-Building 45
   Yung Chul Park, Yunjong Wang and Doo Yong Yang

 4 Volatility: Prudential Regulation, Standards and Codes 73
   Liliana Rojas-Suarez

 5 The Political Economy of Reforming Domestic Financial Architectures 101
   Andrés Rius

 6 China 125
   Harry X.Wu and Esther Y.P.Shea

 7 Thailand 157
   Piriya Pholphirul and Pakorn Vichyanond

 8 Russia 190
   Anatoliy Peresetsky and Vladimir Popov

 9 Argentina 220
   José María Fanelli

10 Brazil 253
   Francisco Eduardo Pires de Souza, Getúlio Borges da Silveira Filho and Fernando J.Cardim de Carvalho

11 Chile 283
   Igal Magendzo and Daniel Titelman

12 South Africa 316
   Melvin Ayogu and Hashem Dezhbakhsh

13 Nigeria 347
   S. Ibi Ajayi and Adeola Adenikinju

References 374

Index 390

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