Terms of Submitting, Reviewing and Publication the scientific articles in the "Economics and Mathematical Methods" journal

All the manuscripts (articles) should be submitted in the Russian language or otherwise at least 30% of the text of the article should be in Russian (For the requirements to the articles see the Russian version of these Rules on the EMM web-site. All the manuscripts (articles) submitted to the Journal are registered in the Editorial office, each article is put into a separate folder, which contains a printed article, as well as information about the author and his contacts.

The editor-in-chief (or his deputy-editor) reads the articles and decides whom to send the article — to the reviewer or a member of the Editorial board.

After approving the reviewer (peer-reviewer) by the Editor-in-chief (or his deputy), an employee in the Editorial office sends the manuscript (in printed or electronic form) to the assigned peer-reviewer and a cover letter with the desired date of submission the reviews to the Editor.

The duration of the review period should not exceed one or two months from the date the peer-reviewer receives the article.

The reviewer presents his opinion to the Editorial Office (in any form or in the form approved in the Editorial Office) in printed form with the personal signature and / or electronically from his business or personal e-mail address.

The content of the review is examined by a responsible member of the Editorial Board, who takes one of the following solutions:

· submit a manuscript of an article for consideration and a review of the meeting of the Editorial Board for a decision toa publication;

· send an article for the additional review;

· send an article to the author with the comments of reviewer to correct the text of a manuscript.

Examination of the articles at the Editorial Board meeting will result in one of the decisions:

· send an article into the journal portfolio without corrections for further editing;

· send the article for the additional review in disputable situations;

· send an article into the magazine portfolio for further editingand oblige an author to take into account the comments and recommendations made by members of the Editorial Board;

· reject the article (with the obligatory motives).

In the latter case, the authors of rejected papers not later than one month from the date of the meeting of the Editorial Board are sent a review (e-mail), indicating the reasons for refusal in the publication and editorial writing.

All materials related to the articles (including reviews and correspondence with authors) are stored in the Editorial Officefor five years.

Informing the authors about the results of review

Editorial staff necessarily sends the reviews to the authors of articles, without specifying the name of the reviewer. In the case the reviewer approves the article, but makes comments or recommendations to clarify some points or word-expressions as well as to add (or remove) the various data, the Editorial staff send the reviews and cover letter with recommendations to modify an article based on the comments from reviewer.

After all the necessary corrections the author returns the manuscript to the Editorial Board, and after the decision to accept the publication a manuscript is sent to the editors.

Review is sent to the author(s) in printed or electronic form (by e-mail with the note “Message Disposition Notification”). In this case, the fact of receiving the review is considered obtaining the confirmation of reading the letter or the author’sresponse to the e-mail of the Editorial Office.

The author may submit a reasoned disagreement with the results of the review. The decision to re-reviewing is made by the Editor-in-chief (or his deputy).

In case of agreement with the reviewers' / Editorial Board comments, the author makes the necessary changes and sends the manuscript back. Authors are recommended to submit a written response to comments from reviewer. This procedure of reviewingis repeated.

The Editorial Office does not discuss and go into any further correspondence with the authors of articles rejected by the Editorial Board. The rejected by the Editorial Board article, even in altered form, but with the same title cannot be re-adopted for consideration.

The date the article was first submitted to the Editorial Office is the date it was received in the Editorial Office.

Requirements for reviewers

The peer-review process should be carried by the members of the Editorial Board,being highly qualified specialists, as well as by the specialists form the other institutions, who have profound knowledge and experience in a particular field of the scientific research. The reviewer should have a PhD or a doctorate degree.

Content of a review

A review may be written in a free form and shall contain the following estimates:

· relevance of the issues discussed in the manuscript;

· compliance subject of the articlewith these results;

· completeness of the literature review; standard references to the literature;

· scientific contribution of the authors: presence and significance of new scientific results presented in the article, obtained by the author (group of authors);

· valid conclusions;

· clear and understandable categorization;

· completeness, validity and accuracy of applied mathematical apparatus and theoretical positions;

· correct terminology, clarity and scientific style of the language.

The review shall end with a recommendation:

· to publish the article without change;

· to publish the article with the corrections specified by the re-reviewer;

· to reject publication of the article.

The Editorial Board takes the final decision about the publication based on the received reviews (reviews) and a reasoned author'sresponse.

All the reviews are kept in Editorial Officein printed form for five years.

Copies of the reviews may be submitted (on request) to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Terms of publication

The journal "Economics and Mathematical Methods"has a limit on the possible number of articles by the same author in one issue - one article individually or in no more than two items in collaboration.

Fees for publication is not charged.

Authors are responsible for accuracy of the reproducing the names, quotations, formulas, data and links to other article.

Author's copies of pages of the article (so-called clean sheets) are available in electronic form (e-mail) or by post for cash on delivery terms (on request).

There are preferential subscription termsfor the frequently published authors for half a year (2 issues) or one year (4 issues).

The fee for publication is not paid.

The abstracts and contents of the current issue of the journal, as well as an archive thereof are available on the page http://www.cemi.rssi.ru/emm/home.htm.

The information about the journal is available online at elibrary: http://elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=8281.


Postal address: Room 305, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS, 47, Nakhimovsky Prospect, Moscow, 117418, Russia

e-mail: emm@cemi.rssi.ru

Phone +7(499)129-39-33; +7(916)139-27-26

Web-site: http://www.cemi.rssi.ru/emm/home.htm