Trofimova N.A. The Role of Social Capital in Successful Opening of the Small Business Enterprise (Economic Aspect). // Economics of contemporary Russia 2015. ¹2 (69) Ñ.73-85.
The paper investigates the influence of individual social capital on successful opening of a small business. The notion of individual social capital is composed of a number of factors.  Appropriate hypotheses were formulated to determine the influence of each factor on the entrepreneurs’ chances of successful opening of their own business. The study was conducted in two stages. In the first stage, based on logit-models, we stated the factors that affect significantly the successful opening of the individual business. In the second phase we tested the hypotheses formulated, using logit-models with regard to gender. The resulting models can be used to estimate the probability of successful opening of start-up businesses.
social capital, small business, logit-models.


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