Yerznkyan B.H., Delibašić M., Grgurević N. Institutional Behavior: Theoretical Issues and Practical Realization. // Economics of contemporary Russia 2014. №4 (67) С.19-30.
   Features of institutional behavior of economic agents, which act in the frame of the definite institutional systems and thus are not free from their influence, are considered. Such behavior opposes to the behavior of homo economics from the neoclassic world whose characteristics are given axiomatically – without a connection to any institutions. Relations of different types of agents with institutions and institutions with economic development are discussed, a schema of institutional change leading to the various consequences is proposed. A special accent is done on the risks of ignoring the specificity of institutional systems of economies in transition in the process of their reformation.
economic methodology, institutional and evolutionary economics, microeconomic behavior, institutions, economic development, institutional transformation.


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