Polterovich V.M. Where to Go: Twenty Four Theses. // Economics of contemporary Russia 2014. ¹3 (66) Ñ.7-16.
   The article deals with the basic elements of a rational strategy of economic development of Russia in the modern circumstances. The analysis shows that the current state of confrontation between Russia and the United States will last long enough. Trying to shorten the period of forced partial isolation, Russia should use it to restore growth and to prepare for further integration with Europe. We need to debug the credit system, to complete the creation of the NIS, as well as systems of indicative planning and continuing education, and to improve the administration in accordance with the principles of the theory of «developmental state». Implementing import substitution, we should seek to production diversification, based on the expansion of domestic consumption of goods produced from natural resources. It is necessary to ensure the dissemination of the technologies available at leading Russian companies in the whole country, and accelerate the transition to innovative development. To solve these problems, one needs a modern science sector, containing all the intermediate links between basic and applied research. Strengthening the rule of law, respect for the opposition, improving the investment climate – this strategy is the best response to foreign political pressure, the key to Russia's strategic security.
Keywords: middle income trap, national innovation system, indicative planning, integration, regional development agency, diversification, science sector, strategic security. 


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