Akaev A.A. Long Waves of Conjuncture and Schumpeter–Kondratyev Innovation-Cyclical Theory of Economic Development. // Economics of contemporary Russia 2013. ¹2 (61) Ñ.7.
    The article describe a short history of the discovery of long waves of economic dynamics by Nikolay Kondratieff, as well as the history of creation of the Schumpeter – Kondratieff innovative-cyclical theory of economic development. It also offers an analysis of its present state. It comes to conclusion that this theory has already been substantially corroborated. This is followed by the study of the five most important directions of its practical application that demonstrate a high potential of this theory.
Keywords: Kondratievlarge cycles of economic conditions, innovation, basic and upgrade technologies, theory of innovative economic development of Schumpeter, clusters, innovation, fractal structure of innovation and their self-organization, technological way, techno-economic paradigm, long-term forecasting cyclical, dating Kondratiev cycles, Schumpeter synthesis of economic theories.
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