Shiobara T. Corruption and Modernization: a New Theory. // Economics of contemporary Russia 2010. ¹3 (54) Ñ.8-32.
    The theories of corruption, presented before, can be divided into political corruption and economic corruption. Under the approach of political corruption, based on communitarianism, democratic states are regarded as communities, and democracy is esteemed as «common good». As measures against corruption the improvement of transparency of officials’ income, strengthening punishment on them, being strict with relations between politicians, officials and electors are stressed. Under the economic corruption approach, presupposing the mixture of utilitarianism and communitarianism, a community with capitalistic freedom and democracy is assumed as well as under
the political corruption approach. Supporters of the theory of economic corruption approach believe that «happiness-profits» can be measured. Anti-corruption policies based on this economic corruption approach is inclined to force any states to implement the same measures without considering specificity of history or culture of every state.
A new approach, presented by the author, recons power which influences decision making of corrupt actors. Under the new approach, based on liberalism, subjectivity
of an actor in power and a subordinate is attached importance, because power restrains freedom of other subjects. To regulate power operations, the power of rulers
holding violent devices should be weakened. Criminal investigation, arrest, detention, indictment and judgment should be executed strictly.
Keywords: corruption, modernization, political corruption, economic corruption, «common good», communitarianism, economic corruption, «happiness = profits»,
utilitarianism, power, power relations, subjectivity of an actor in power, subjectivity of a subordinate, expectations held by a corrupt actor, exclusion.


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