Osokina N.V., Suvorov A.S. About the Role of the State During Accumulation of the Public Capital in National Economy.// Economics of contemporary Russia 2010. ¹4 (51) Ñ.1-7.
    In conditions of modern world crisis there is a necessity of reconsideration of methodological approaches to strategy of development of national economy. The attempt of a substantiation of a new sight at a role of the state will be presented to strategy of modernization of the Russian economy proceeding from the world-system analysis of accumulation of the public capital and the analysis of influence of globalization on position of the countries so-called to «catching up modernization».
Keywords: world-system, accumulation of the capital, the state, globalization, the rent, the antirent.

Tsurikov V.I. Incomplete Contracting, Including Transaction Costs and the Corruption Element. Part 2. // Economics of contemporary Russia 2010. ¹4 (51) Ñ.8-13.
    Impact of contractual performance costs and the corruption element of the institutional environment, incentives for investment in creation of value and the overall social benefits is analyzed within the context of incomplete contract model. Comparison of efficiency of discrete institutional alternatives in terms of transaction benefits and costs advantages is undertaken. Controversial role of corruption and its distorting impact on the national economy structure, i.e. creation of artificial competitive edge for some economic projects and financial barriers for others is demonstrated.
Keywords: incomplete contract, transaction costs, specific investments, limited rationality, opportunistic behavior, stimuli, corruption.

Gurkov I.B. Organizational (mis)Fits During Implementation of Recovery Strategies.// Economics of contemporary Russia 2010. ¹4 (51) Ñ.9-25.
    Based on computer-assisted organizational diagnostics of a series of companies supplemented by the surveys of CEOs of these firms we tried to select the companies which have embarked on «prospector» strategies and to reveal the typical organizational misfits in such forms and to determine the probability of successful implementation of recovery strategies.
: organization design, organizational fit, recovery strategies.

Timchenko M.V., Klochkov V.V.
Prerequisites and Risks of Ensuring High-Tech Goods’ Mass Affordability.// Economics of contemporary Russia 2010. ¹4 (51) Ñ.26-41.
    The socioeconomic prerequisites, risks and restrictions of high-tech goods affordability growth are considered using the example of rapid transportation. Methods of requirement to innovation product formulation ensuring its mass affordability and compliance with sustainable development conditions are suggested.
Keywords: high-tech goods, market capacity, income distribution, affordability, new transport modes, resource consumption.

Toksanbaeva M.S., Lezhneva J.A. Employment Poli­cy and Its Influence on Labor Force Structure.// Economics of contemporary Russia 2010. ¹4 (51) Ñ.42-55.
Employment policy in our country, actually reduced to a policy of supporting the unemployed, causes imbalances in the labor force, which conflict with the achievement of full and productive employment. These imbalances are examined based on an example of structural distribution of workers by industry and position, of personnel shortages, as well as of challenges facing the job placement of unemployed, including special conditions related to the crisis period.
Keywords: employment policy, the policy of support for the unemployed, employment structure, shortage of personnel, labor market segmentation, promotion of employment.

Golichenko O.G., Balycheva Yu.Ye. Choice of Market Strategy of Intellectual Property Using by Russian Enterprises. // Economics of contemporary Russia 2010. ¹4 (51) Ñ.56-68.
    The purpose of the investigation consists in the analysis of an enterprise strategy choice for creating and using intellectual property (IP). It was demonstrated that the creation of IP is not always connected with innovation activity. But there is increasing dependence the scale and application of IP creation on the class size of enterprises. The more the size of the class is, the greater the innovation activity determines the activity of IP creation. But at the same time the efficiency of the IP creation process falls with the increase of enterprise size. The changeability of strategic directives is determined by two factors action. They are such types of intellectual property as industrial and software ones. The strategies of IP creation have strong ties with innovation activity of enterprises.  Character and level of enterprises classes’ interaction has no linear dependence on size enterprises. They are determined by chosen market strategy of enterprise.  
Keywords: intellectual property, innovation activity, size class.

Gavrilov V. P. The Influence of Market Economic on the Natural Environment.// Economics of contemporary Russia 2010. ¹4 (51) Ñ.69-82.
    The article examines negative aspects of the functioning market economy and her influence on the natural environment in the conditions of insufficient state regulation. Proposes alternative the indexes to measuring socio-economic progress, taking into account the natural and the human capital.
Keywords: market economic,  socio-economic and ecology  crisis, steady development.

Krasnov V.N.
Methodological Individualism: to Interpretation of Experiments Cognitive and Social Psychologists.// Economics of contemporary Russia 2010. ¹4 (51) Ñ.83-92.
    On the basis of expert analysis of cognitive and social psychologists, ascertains the market subject conduct character. Recognizing the justice of institutional approach to the market, the view is exposed to criticism, according to which experimental economy allegedly proved delusiveness of methodological individualism and absence of ability of market agents to act rationally. Substantiates that some part of market agents always exist, who act as efficient persons, i.e. rationally and in accordance with the initially given objectives and preferences.

Keywords: free market, perfect competition, efficient person, methodological individualism, conduct rationality, experimental economy, heuristics, preferences, values, institutions, morality.

Malyshev A.V., Muraviev S.A., Tikhonov I.P
The Effectiveness of Competitions RFBR Target-Oriented Basic Research.// Economics of contemporary Russia 2010. ¹4 (51) Ñ.93-104.
    The authors analyze the efficiency of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) programs in regard to the application of the results of basic research projects. The article examines the coordinated targeted basic research program involving RFBR and the Ministry for Industry and Trade of Russia. The analysis is based on specific indicators, allowing for an evaluation of the possibilities for further advancement of the achieved goals.
Keywords: basic research, knowledge economy, scientific policy, innovative development.

Ivanov E.A. Gosplan USSR: an Attempt to Realize the Great Dream.// Economics of contemporary Russia 2010. ¹4 (51) Ñ.105-115.
    The article gives the history of the creation of Gosplan, as a body whose task was to develop a single national economic plan, methods and procedures for its implementation. Particular attention is paid to the methods of work of Gosplan - balance method and organization of development plans.
Keywords: plan, balance method, five-year plan, the deficit. 


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