Nanavyan A.M. Unemployment in Russia: Risks and Economic Consequences.
    In clause(article) are analysed intensity of streams (an input(entrance) and an output(exit)) on categories of economic activity of the population and levels of stability of the unemployed on the Russian labour market. Risks of unemployment for borrowed(occupied) and economically inactive population (with experience and without an operational experience) for 1999–2006 years are appreciated. Parameters of an acceptable level of stability of the unemployed are investigated, the opportunity of his(its) use for definition of factor of risk of unemployment and losses in manufacture of a total internal product of the country is proved. Scales of these losses are determined. It is marked, that a key problem(task) of a policy(politics) of employment of the population is reduction of duration of searches of work, counteraction to transition of unemployment in the stagnant form, and its(her) major direction should become the policy(politics) directed on growth of economic activity of the population.


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