Libman M.A. Negative Integration and Inter-jurisdictional Competition.
The paper reviews the actual trends in the development of the regional economic integration. To characterize these trends we introduce the term of the «negative integration». Negative integration means the elimination of inter-state barriers for goods and factor flows without harmonization of economic institutions. Some empirical examples show, that the negative integration leads to the competition between jurisdictions for mobile factors of production (first of all, capital). We compare different theoretical approaches to the inter-jurisdictional competition, based on the neoclassical theory, public choice theory, theory of economic order and evolutionary economics.

Lyashetsky A.P., Komarov O.K. Theoretical Basis of Forming the Social Price and its Transformation into Market Price.
In connection with disintegration of the USSR and transition to the market Russian economy slows down its growth. The main causes are the following: activity of all the enterprises and state institutions is penetrated with «unbroken» directions, regulations and laws, which were actual years ago. These documents are found on outdated management technologies, especially in the present market conditions. The authors consider application of new technologies in pricing, establishing new employment tariffs, forming the common social-budget tax, profit to be the first tasks. It is stressed that social price forming is the main item for further improvement of enterprises management.

Belkin V.D., Storozhenko V.P. About Rational Use of Stabilization Fund and gold and Exchange Currency Reserves.
In clause the estimation of superfluous means of stabilization fund and gold and exchange currency reserves contains, the basic directions of their not inflationary use are characterized. Actual experience for Russia post-war growth of economy of Japan and Germany, doubling their gross national product during the five years' periods 1950–1980 is considered.

 Valitova L.A. Federal Supporting Grants and the Incentives of Regional Authorities.
This paper analyses the impact of the system of grants existing in the Russian Federation as a tool of encouraging regional economic development. We have focused on the mechanism and criteria of supporting grants allocation. The econometric analysis of comprehensive statistical data found the negative distorting influence of this transfer on fiscal incentives in the context of decreasing future tax revenues. 

 Bendikov M.A., Smulov A.M. The Aircraft Industry in Russia: New Opportunities of its Stabilization and Rebound after Crisis.
The article concerns the state and tendencies in the Russian aircraft industry. The authors are considering organizational and financial tools, capable to give more sustainability to the last five-year positive tendency of growth. The scheme of interaction between aircraft plants, leasing companies, commercial banks and the State towards the reconstruction of this important industry is adduced.

Najmushin V.G. Reasons of Crisis and Prospects of Revival of Domestic Engineering Industry (for Example of Electric Locomotive Engineering Industry).
The article presents an analysis of the causes and consequences of crises of the Russian engineering industry (on the example of electric locomotive building) and search of ways to solve the problems accumulated during the period market reforms. The author discloses number of objective and subjective factors acting on micro- and macrolevels that had created the present situation in the country and declares the necessity of development and realization of effective industrial policies aimed at improving the situation in the engineering industry, as a whole and, particularly, in the electric locomotive building. The article marks the role of the state regulation of economy including the national programs of vertical integration of industrial and financial structures to support and develop the corporate sector of the present Russian mixed economy.

 Karlik A.E., Klementovichus Ya.Ya. Reform of Enterprises and the Transformation of Labour Relations (example of Saint-Petersburg enterprises').
Urgent aspects of employment and transformation of labour relations are analyzed. According to the results of social-economic research and statistical data, the authors pointed out different types of organization and described certain types of «social consensus» manifested in labour. Special attention is paid to labour analysis, employment and labour relations in the organization restructing background.

 Pererva O.L. Economics of Innovation Process at the Industrial Enterprise.
In spite of the increasing concern of science to the economic estimation of new technique, the development of methodology is far from being completion. An original interpretation of information as the basis for the formation of the economic result of innovation arrangements is suggested. The definitions of sources and factors of effectiveness are given, and the mechanism of their interaction is shown. The presentation of usable procedures in table form made it possible to create an electronic model of calculation. The developed approach was tested at the concrete industrial establishment.

 Reznik S.D. Family Economy: She Needs to be Operated.
In clause problems of training of economists and managers to art of conducting housekeeping are discussed. Work is based on the experience which has been saved up in Institute of economy and management of the Penza state university of architecture and construction where for a number of years the special rate «Management of family economy» is read to students, the manual at this rate is prepared and published.

 Perminov S.B. Information Technologies as the Factor of Economic Growth.
The possibilities to accelerate economic growth and labor productivity with a help of information and telecommunication technologies (ICT) are considered. The revealed structural changes in the Russian economy are compared with those in the US and European economies. Some specific features of key ICT's diffusion in Russia are analyzed. These findings will help to set up proper priorities in economic policy formation.


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