Inshakov O.V. About Modernization of Sphere of the Higher Education Training in Russia.

    The article proposes to consider the problems of the higher education modernization from the point of view of referring this sphere to a natural monopoly that needs to be restructured. The author defines the essence of «the institutional trap» in which the higher education found itself within the past decade due to the Russian Government policy. On the basis of the application of the theoretical approaches to economy depending on the organization scale, human capital formation and structuring, employee’s competence half-value period, franchising and fundraising, social responsibility of the state, internal and external effects, transformational and transactional costs, the article upholds the original decisions of the higher education system modernization, criticizes the Conception that is being implemented by the Government as well as the Conception alternatives, and discloses the consequences of a possible breach of the single education area in contemporary Russia.

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