Polterovich V.M. Towards a Manual for Reformers: Some Conclusions from the Theory of Economic Reform.
    It is discussed a problem of elaboration of a Manual For Reformers to facilitate planning and realization of efficient transformations of economic institutions. The first attempt to create such a manual, so called «Washington Consensus», is analyzed in detail. An alternative system of principles is suggested that have to be taken into account when economic reforms are conducted.

 Yavlinsky G.A. Planned Economy in the USSR: Key Features, Evolution, the Way to Collapse.
    Informal institutions of corruption and the so called «parallel economy» are presented as core economic phenomena, which cardinally affected the planned economy of the USSR. It is shown, how the evolution of «parallel economy» has led to the collapse of the planned system and the Soviet state. It also proves, that in the post-soviet period the «parallel economy» has been kept almost untouched and moreover, it has taken control over the national economy.

 Matveenko V.D., Zheleznyak T.I. Political Economy and Economics: a Unity or an Antagonism?
    Answering the question about a relationship and differences between political economy and economics the authors follow briefly the history of development of the economic science and dwell on changes taking place in Russian economic science and education during the last fifteen years.

 Rubinshtejn A.Ya. Economy of Social Sector: the Theory Problems.
    Work is devoted to the economic theory of social sector and reflects results of long-term researches of the author in the given area. The analysis of the formed environment of functioning of the organizations of social sector contains, the most known theoretical approaches are considered, the new typology of the blessings is offered and the substantiation of economic maintenance of these organizations is given. In a basis of the offered theory the concept «economic sotsiodinamiki», developed by the author together with R.S. Grinberg.

 Kosachev Yu.V. Financial and Industrial Integration of the Enterprises at Development of Resources of Region.
    The role of vertically integrated financial and industrial structures in development of resources of region is discussed, value of bank participation in the share capital of the industry of region is emphasized. Questions of the coordination of activity of the company with regional bodies of administration managerial control are considered, the opportunity of introduction of the balancing preferential rate of payments under the profit tax of bank is proved. As an example numerical value of the balancing rate pays off with use of dynamic model of efficiency of financial and industrial corporate structure.

 Luneyev V.V. Crime and Shadow Economy.
    This study deals with the problem of precriminal and criminal shadow economy, which harmed vast damage to the country. About 90% of it is unrevealed. Socio-unprotected offenders are hold responsible in most cases. Crimes of poverty are easily becoming revealed to the public organs of justice, but crimes of governing elite and businesses almost are unrevealed to law enforcement bodies.

 Breev B.D. Modern Lines of Development of Employment of the Population.
    Employment of the population is the major macroeconomic characteristic. At the same time it quite belongs to the set of the problems having fundamental value. And in this connection there is a problem of acceleration of overcoming of crisis of employment. It has been caused by many circumstances, the main of them is shock change of social-labor attitudes in our country that has cardinally changed conditions of the population involving in a national economy. In the article the major conditions of crisis overcoming are considered.

Bogomolova T.Yu., Tapilina V.S. Poverty in the Present Russia: Measurement and Analysis.
    Economic stratification of population in Russia, and the state of the poor people in the country are analyzed on the data of The Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (1998-2002). This article considers the wide range of poverty indices, the characteristics of poverty reproduction, social spectrum of poverty and contribution of social groups into total population poverty. The findings are linked with current problems of the state socioeconomic policy.

 Toksanbaeva M.S. Theoretical Approach to a Household and Its Socio-Economic Potential.
    A household is defined and examined as the economic unit of a family. The household's goals are to guarantee that the family is economically viable and capable of providing both existing and future labour resources. Inability of the household to achieve this goal necessitates changes in economic policies. Sign that economic viability of a family is being threatened include: life expectancy at birth is lower than age of economic activity; the fertility rate does not ensure maintaining current population size; and poverty exists in households that have working members.   

 Bessolitsyn A.A. The Institutional Forms of Power and Capital Co-operations in Russia at the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century (the Experience of the Enterprises in the Volga Region).
    This article deals with the main approaches of power and capital co-operations on the example of enterprises activities in the Volga region at the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century. The author researches the role of the trade associations, stock committees and other organizations of regional bourgeoisie.

 Inshakov O.V. About Modernization of Sphere of the Higher Education Training in Russia.
    The article proposes to consider the problems of the higher education modernization from the point of view of referring this sphere to a natural monopoly that needs to be restructured. The author defines the essence of «the institutional trap» in which the higher education found itself within the past decade due to the Russian Government policy. On the basis of the application of the theoretical approaches to economy depending on the organization scale, human capital formation and structuring, employee’s competence half-value period, franchising and fundraising, social responsibility of the state, internal and external effects, transformational and transactional costs, the article upholds the original decisions of the higher education system modernization, criticizes the Conception that is being implemented by the Government as well as the Conception alternatives, and discloses the consequences of a possible breach of the single education area in contemporary Russia.

 Porshnev A.G. Problems and Tendencies of Development of the Modern Higher School.
    It is analyzed a condition of modernization system of higher education in Russia and the problems arising in communication by acceptance of the state program of reforming of social sphere.

 Tsereteli G.Sh., Abesadze R.B. The State of Energosector in Georgia and Some Aspects of its Energosphere Cooperation with Russia.
    After gaining independence in Georgia its energosector fell into deep crisis: the output of electroenergy has decreased twice, oil production has also decreased to critical level, the extraction of coal has almost ceased. In spite of some positive changes the state of energetics still remains extremely heavy. Under such conditions it becomes necessary to attract foreign aid to the country. Naturally, at first it concerns such a country as Russia having enormous energetic potential. At present Georgia gets from Russia almost all kinds of energocarriers: electric power, natural gas, petrol, diesel oil, coal, black oil etc. It is considered expedient to develop the cooperation between Russia and Georgia in the following directions: export-import expansion of energocarriers; participation of energocomplexes of Russia in private energosystem of Georgia; participation of Russia in rehabilitation of energy in Georgia, synchronous amalgamation of energosystem of Russia and Transcaucasian countries (Georgia, Azerbaidjan, Armenia).


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