Yerznkyan B.A. Schumpeter, the Mainstream, and the Evolutionary Theory of Economic Development.

The article is devoted to the some problems of outsider position of the evolutionary theory of economic development of J. Schumpeter in the mainstream considered in the three aspects – semiotic, evolutionary and ideological. This position in the Russian mainstream is explained: 1) in the pre-reform (Soviet) period by non-acceptance of the market competitive system; 2) in the post-reform (post-Soviet) period by non-acceptance of the Schumpeterian competition, in the Western mainstream is explained: (1) by difficulty of incorporating Schumpeter's theory in the mainstream; (2) by absence of the formalized theory ready to force out the mainstream paradigm of the linear-competitive theory of economic development. In the author's opinion an illusion is created that Schumpeter belongs to the mainstream, hence the mainstream scholars should discover for themselves the unknown Schumpeter.


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