Popov E.V., Simonova V.L. The Matrix of Enterprise Theories.
The economic instrument of table positioning (matrix) of modern enterprise theories is elaborated, which allows to reveal weak points and potentialities of micro-economic theory. On the basis of the matrix, the main avenues of developing the integrated enterprise theory are presented.

Troyanovskiy V.M. Quality Analysis of Correlation of Consumption Levels in the Public Macroeconomic System.
The article considers the model of macro-economic system which exchanges its products with other systems of that kind. Within this model the workers of the system under study have a chance of choosing the field of work. The analysis made shows how the price for owners' capital and imported capital is quoted, what the correlation of consumption levels of different workers is, and under what conditions import becomes profitable for all workers of the system.

Perlamutrov V.L. The Results of Russian Economic Reforms.
The author assesses the actual results of economic development of Russia during the last decade. The major problem of Russian economy, in the author's opinion, is inefficient investment policy, the degree of wear and tear being equal to 60 percent. As to financial results of activity of real sector of the economy, the article contains the data on the increase of mutual nonpayment of industrial enterprises, which suggests the lack of the mechanism of regulating interbranch relations.

Belkin V.D., Storojenko V.P. Indicative Planning and Expanding of Investments as the Necessary Preconditions of Economic Growth.
The article recommends a shift from the current ways of forecasting to indicative planning which efficiency is confirmed by the Japanese experience of 1960–1970. Economic growth will be based on expansion investments. This would in turn require an expansion in financial resources by means of rational utilization of amortization, development of stock market, government guaranties for domestic and foreign investors, a new mechanism of rent distribution.

Denisov V.I. Possibilities and Difficulties of the Balanced Growth of the Russian Economy.
The now unused means of economic state backing for Russian producers are analyzed, which include the reduction of pay rates to the budget as well as scientific-and-technological support (development of technological market, introduction of scientific developments). These means would ensure product growth and interbranch price balance. The economic and mathematical analysis of different supporting means is made.

Lajentsev V.N. Northern Regions in the System of Internal and External Relations of Russia.
The article considers the problems of the North such as export of the basic part of the potential capital, nonequivalent external exchange, excessive industrial loading, social inequality, unilateral raw and power approach in geopolitical strategy. The solution of the problems are connected with the priority of formation of the internal (Russian) market and a new concept of territory development with due regard to the ecological, social and ethnocultural values of the North.

Tatarkin A.I., Romanova O.A., Tkachenko I.N. Establishing Norms of Corporate Behavior and Tendencies of its Development on the Ural Region Enterprises.
The article analyzes the process of establishing norms of corporate behavior, examines the conditions and tendencies of its development on the Ural region enterprises. Relying on the method proposed, the authors study the extent of readiness of corporations to follow codes of corporate behavior.

Sidorova N.I. The Influence of Tax Reform in Russia on the Dynamics of Basic Sectors of the Economy and Development of Entrepreneurship.
The paper describes the changing concepts of tax reform and its influence on the basic branches of the economy and åntrepreneurship. It estimates the actual standard of taxation in the economy, reveals some possible mistakes in tax assessment. To correlate the data the index method is used. The dynamics of production volume and tax returns as well as the influence of tax arrears are used as indicators of exemption limit. The correlation is made of the rise/fall of tax rate and the change in the number of small and non-profitable enterprises according to branches of the economy.

Zhukova M.A. The Integration Strategy: A Way to Gain Competitive Advantages in  Tourist Industry.
One of important ways for a corporation to gain competitive advantages is the integration strategy based on unification of two or more enterprises. The article focuses on strategic alliances and considers particularities of their operation. The advantages and defects of various kinds of interfirm exchange in strategic alliances used in tourist organizations are analyzed.

Galitsa I.A. Policy of Reforms: Social Vector.
The relationship between social policy and reform model is considered. The necessity of governmental regulation in the market-oriented economics is proved. Some new functions of the governmental regulation are focused on.

Rosefielde S. Russia's Economic Metamorphosis: From Yeltsin to Putin.
The paper examines the features of the Russian post Soviet economy, the reasons for its dramatic stagnation and two ways of its revival: implementing the Western liberal regulatory mechanisms versus introducing the Keynesian reforms. The article discusses the effectiveness of both scenarios and the possible consequences.


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