G.A. Golts. Transport and Society:strategic principles of look-into-the-future development of Russia.
      The article analyzes the problems arising in today’s Russia development due to peculiar Russian mentality which returns modern processes  to their starting levels, bad demographic situation, non-balanced structural jumping in economy; exceptional geographic differentiation. It is suggested that new knowledge in communication information technology (named “river of mind”) can solve these old problems and facilitate the transition from catching- up modernization  to look-into-the-future development. The chain of successive strategic errors in transport  system in Russia in the last 150 years is examined.The prospects for its future growth are shown . The approach to define outtransportation effect of  communication and transport system evolution is discussed. An idea of historic sociosinergetics is proposed,which results in analyzing nonlinear dependence of social straining from social informational variety.

V.V. Zotov, V.F. Presniakov, V.O. Rosentahl..On Some Institutional Dimensions in Analyzing Russian Market Problems.
The paper studies institutional characteristics of basic economic concepts such as "market", "demand", "supply", "price", "firm" and their modifications in current Russian conditions . The deviations of Russian versions of these concepts from their normative meanings are exposed and the inference is made concerning institutional unpreparedness of Russian economic reforms. The institutional aspects of current state and controversial problems of market forms in Russia are discussed.

I. Birman.  The Level of Life: the Measuring Problems.
    It is considered the economical categories: “personal consumption”, “quality of life” etc. It is analysed the problems in its measuring, dynamics and intercountry comparisons.

D.S. Lvov, S.Ya. Chernavsky. On Transforming Russian Power Sector.
    The fall of industrial production in recent years has referred to the energy sector to a lesser degree. This has to some extent slowed down the transforming of the power sector. Serious problems have been accumulated inside. The main problems of this sector from the point of view of energy suppliers as well  as the society are considered. Solving the problems needs transforming the power sector, regulation, and fuel supply system. The main options of transforming power sector suggested by RAO “UES Rossii” are analyzed. They will not be able to tackle the problems.Alternative measures are proposed.

A.E. Varshavsky. Science-intensive Sector and High Technologies in Russian Economy.
    The analysis of vast statistical data on developed countries and Russia has resulted in estimating the share of R&D expenditures in different branches of industry. Various definitions of science-intensive sector of economy are given. A brief analysis of the world high-tech market helps to understand the most important features of this sector of economy. The necessity to take into account the technological features of science-intensive in formulating science-engineering policy is shown. The estimates  of high-tech sector  share in the Russian economy and  the level of R&D expenditures for different scenarios of development are presented.

V.A.Kryukov. The Calculation of the Assets Specific Peculiarities in Oil and Gas sector Reforming.
    The article examines the problems of formation of organizational structures within Oil-and-Gas sector. The general approach to the New Institutional Economics  shows that organizational dynamics within  a certain sector of economics reflects not only  the frequency of market transactions but also  the specific features of material assets. The  mineral resources can also  be included into the list of assets. This  circumstance could substantially change the  view  on expedient orientation exclusively to formation of vertically-integrated companies within Russian Oil-and-Gas sector.

T.I.Skameikina.  The Institutional Reforms of Russian Real Sector Economy.
    The article considers the main problems and tendencies of evolution of Russian real sector enterprises.  It proposes the measures which the Ministry of Economy has developed for rising the efficency of corporative control, financial normalization of home enterprises and increasing  competitiveness of home manufacturers.

Yu. A.Evdokimov, Yu.M. Batskikh, A.V. Istomin.  The Northern Sea Route: Challenges, Potentialities And Revival Prospects.
    The article is devoted to problems of modernization and revival of the transport system of the Northern Sea Route. The role and importance of the Northern Sea Route as the main latitudinal arterial way, connecting Russian Arctic areas has been identified. The necessity of reconstruction and renewal of the transport potential in order to ensure cargo deliveries for functioning of territorial economic mechanisms and prospective goods traffic from the shelf and coastal hydrocarbon fields has been grounded. Issues of reviving an effective activity of the Northern Sea Route including formation of a new organizational structure as a transnational marine transport corporation have been studied.

Paul S. Marshall.  What to Expect from Western Business Partners?
    The paper attempts to provide Russian businessmen with a better understanding of the motivation of Western business in Russia, the problems facing  them in this country and the skills and resources brought here by the Westerners. The paper is particularly useful to Russian businessmen as they begin negotiations post-crash with the Westerners regarding mergers and acquisitions or joint ventures. This paper also includes feedback from Russian businsssmen who attended a seminar on this subiect. The paper ends up with  a list of suggestions on how Russian businessmen can better get along with and understand their Western partners.

O.V.Malyarov. Role of the State in Transitional Economy: the Experience of India.
    The economic reforms in Russia can gain much from the experience  India  has in state participation in  economy for taming  market forces to the goals of socio-economic development, forced modernization of  economy and acceleration of economic growth. After gaining political independence,  India has used state capitalism to overcome the pernicious consequenses of the colonial “open economy” imposed from outside. Hence, the reform of the 90s aimed at greater openness of the economy, more freedom for the market and enterprise has been carried on with maintaining the basic structures of the state sector and state regulation of the economy. It has allowed India to escape fall in production and financial crisis of 1997 and 1998.

Shukhrat Yuldashev. Formation and Development of the Prerequisite of Economic Growth in Uzbekistan.
    The article deals with the problems of reproduction and investment activity in  shaping  the Uzbek model of economic development.
It is shown that the step-by-step programe of transferring the national economy on to the lines of  market relations has enabled not only to restore the earlier available level of development,  but also to ensure a positive economic growth. Against this background ,the comprehensive liberalization of  economic life is currently underway in the republic. For its success, of vital importance are the coordinated and joint actions of CIS countries in the sphere of international flow of investment resources.


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